The mission of the Lead Sports Co. is to elevate and empower female athletes through our yearly summits and online academy.


  • Support girls and women in realizing their goals and their strengths as students, athletes, daughters, and leaders

  • Connect emerging female leaders with accomplished athletes and industry specialists, as well as their peers, to create a network covering confidence, leadership, mental health, nutrition, and more

  • Align with mentors and community leaders from diverse backgrounds to connect with every girl who joins the Lead Community

Founders Kara Lynn Joyce (left) and Courtney Randolph (right)

Our History 

Since 2017, the Lead Sports Co. has educated and empowered hundreds of female athletes through the Lead Summit and Academy. Founded as LEAD, our goal has always been to provide a platform for Leadership, Empowerment, and Athletic Development. The Lead Team includes a core group of 6 employees, who are joined by 30 events team members at every summit.

Lead partners with like-minded brands to enhance and enrich the experiences of our community and bring attention to important causes. Our partners have included renowned brands Coca-Cola, ADIDAS, Under Armour, and Arena, and local women-owned businesses gr8nola, Better Half, and SBR Sports.

As of 2020, the Lead Sports Co. serves women’s swimming and softball through annual Summits, and all sports for young women through the Academy - a step toward sharing our mission with all young female athletes.

Right: The first two Lead Sports Co. employees, Kara Lynn Joyce and Courtney Randolph


Kara Lynn Joyce is a three-time Olympic swimmer living in Long Beach, CA. Kara competed in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Olympics for Team USA winning a total of four medals. As a swimmer for the University of Georgia, Kara won 18 NCAA titles and set the American Record in the 50-yard and 50-meter freestyle.

Kara founded the Lead Summit in 2017 with a goal of connecting female athletes with accomplished, strong women in sports through yearly summits. In 2020, Lead Sports Co. now encompasses both the annual Summit and the Lead Academy, a virtual community and resource for teenage girl athletes, parents, and coaches with comprehensive online courses in Leadership, Confidence, Sports Psychology, and more.

The Lead Team

  • Kara Lynn Joyce

    Kara Lynn is the founder and CEO of the Lead Sports Co. After a successful career as a 3-time Olympic swimmer, Kara began mentoring female athletes in confidence and mental health. In 2017, Kara launched the Lead Sports Co. for female athlete empowerment and education.

  • Courtney Randolph

    Courtney is the Chief Operations Officer for Lead Sports Co. A former Yale swimmer (who still competes in Masters!), Courtney now lives in Rockville, MD. Courtney has been with Lead Sports Co. since the early days in 2017 and shares a passion for the mission of empowering girls in sports.

  • Lisa Vetterlein

    Lisa works behind the scenes at Lead Sports Co. covering all things bookkeeping. Lisa is also an accomplished USA Swimming official working meets throughout the US and internationally.

  • Avery Hall

    Avery is a freshman and swimmer for Chapman University in Orange, CA. As an alum of the Lead Summits she is looking forward to contributing to the mission of empowering young women in sports through her Lead Sports Co internship.

  • Ellie Friedlander

    Ellie is the Social Media Intern at Lead Sports Co. She is a Junior and swimmer at Lancaster Aquatic Club in Pennsylvania. Ellie is an alum of the 2018, 2019, and 2021 Lead Summits and is looking forward to growing her skills in the pool and with the Lead team through her internship.