This One’s For the Girls: Lead Sports Co. Launches 5th Annual Lead Summit for Swimmers

Lead Sports Co. has announced the fifth annual Lead Summit for female athletes. The 2022 Lead Summit for swimmers will take place in Denver, CO over Labor Day Weekend (September 2-5) and will feature Olympic champions and experts in Confidence, Leadership, Sport Psychology, Nutrition, and more.


The Lead Summit is an all-inclusive, 4-day event and open to female athletes ages 13-18. Participants learn from experts and elite athletes in keynotes and experiential learning sessions, as well as breakout groups with speakers and team leaders that represent club and college athletes through Olympians. Past speakers have included 3-time Olympian Elizabeth Beisel, 5-time gold medalist Missy Franklin, Paralympic gold medalist McKenzie Coan, and 2020 Olympic bronze medalist Natalie Hinds. All Summit talks and activities are designed to promote skill-building in confidence, leadership, and mental health and encourage participants to create impactful connections with their peers.

“We are thrilled to open registration for our fifth Lead Summit,” said Lead’s Chief Communications Officer Courtney Randolph. “Since 2017, we’ve welcomed hundreds of swimmers from around the country and the world to this life-changing event. Our goal is to provide the premier experience for young female athletes to learn from the best in their sport, but also to learn more about themselves and tackle their challenges outside of sport. The Summit is always a special experience for our whole team, and we can’t wait to be back in Denver.”

Click here to learn more about the Lead Summit.

Lead Sports Co. was founded by 3-time Olympian and 4-time Olympic silver medalist Kara Lynn Joyce. Since 2017, Lead has educated and empowered hundreds of female athletes through the Lead Summit and Academy. Founded as LEAD, our goal is to provide a platform for Leadership, Empowerment, and Athletic Development.


Women Who Lead: Caroline Fitzgerald, GOALS Sports Founder


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