College Recruiting 101: Emailing College Coaches

The College Recruiting journey looks different for everyone. But there are a few steps that can help you stand out along the way. Today, we're sharing tips for emailing college coaches.

Did you know that you can reach out to college coaches by email at any time?

The NCAA regulates when coaches are able to contact you, but you can put yourself on their radar with a great email.

"What should I include in the email?"

Coaches are busy! Keep your email short and easy to read.

You can include:

  • Times or playing stats

  • GPA and relevant standardized testing scores

  • Links to high quality videos of you racing or playing

"What else is important to include in my message?"

Include any potential majors or academic programs you're interested in.

Sign your email with YOUR contact information - this will help them reach back out to you later on.

"What else can I do to stand out?"

Always reply in a timely way. Show the coach that you are excited and engaged in the process.

Good luck!

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